Monthly Donations Monthly Donations

Real change doesn't happen overnight. Our work attacking poverty head-on requires a long-term commitment.

Real change doesn't happen overnight. Our work attacking poverty head-on requires a long-term commitment.

Every day of the year, CARE helps women, their families and communities transform their lives through our poverty-fighting and disaster-relief programs.

And it’s only possible because of ongoing support from friends like you. Sign up to make monthly donations and you’ll be part of a community of compassionate people reaching out each month to help empower women to change their lives and their world. Together, we can bring an end to poverty and create a better world for all.

Read more about CARE’s work

Sign up by phone

  Call 1800 020 046 toll free and sign up by credit card or direct debit.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Your donation will go where it is needed most. You are helping families living in poverty and together, we can transform lives and create a better world for all.